• 07595 455056

Starting on Monday 3 June

Mondays – Beginners/Improvers   09:30 – 10:30

Pilates was originally devised by Joseph Pilates as a series of body conditioning exercises to stretch and strengthen the whole body. It also encourages good breathing patterns and restores the body’s natural movements by correcting body alignment of the joints and muscles.

Pilates is suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels. Done regularly, it has many benefits which include:

  • Improve posture
  • Increase joint mobility
  • Have greater body awareness
  • Increase muscle tone and strength 
  • Improve balance and alignment

Sally trained with Body Control Pilates, a world renowned education provider for Pilates teaching. Classes are one hour long in small groups of 12 people maximum, to ensure close supervision where everyone receives individual attention.

For more information see www.sallydoylepilates.co.uk or contact Sally at sallydoylepilates@gmail.com